

Nature-based 解决方案: Innovative Approaches to Increase Impact and Reduce Risk

Marshland with islands and pine trees at sunset
杰森Coccia, Tetra Tech’s Director for 可持续性 and Nature-based 解决方案, 讨论组织如何增加其努力的影响,以解决生物多样性丧失和其他与自然和气候相关的风险.

Nature-related investments are critical for business continuity

For many business leaders, connection between climate change, 生物多样性丧失, and reduced ecosystem functionality is clear. 然而, 直到最近,与自然有关的风险对企业运营的财务影响还不清楚.

A World Economic Forum study estimates that more than 全球一半的国内生产总值(GDP)中度或高度依赖于自然及其服务. That’s at least $44 trillion of economic value generation. 的 report notes that “nature-related risks are undervalued in business decision-making,” emphasizing the critical link between climate change and 生物多样性丧失. 该研究还强调了生物多样性和生态系统功能丧失的风险和成本日益增加, especially for industry sectors that are inextricably tied to the use of natural resources. Extractives, agriculture, construction, and energy are among those most at risk.

Risk management needs aside, 投资那些能够扭转这些与气候和自然有关的损失的项目具有良好的经济意义. 平均而言, ecosystem restoration benefits outweigh costs by a factor of ten生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台说and that number could be low.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), “at the global level, every $1 invested in restoring landscapes can create between $7 and $30 in economic benefits 对当地全球最大体育平台来说.“随着对自然投资需求的增长,这一商业案例对决策者来说将非常重要.

的re is both urgency and demand for quality investments in natural systems. 累计融资 $8.1 trillion for nature-based solutions is required by 2050 to meet global climate and biodiversity targets and to avoid land degradation, according to the United Nations 环境 Programme. 受生态系统功能丧失影响的公司有机会主动分担相关风险, which protects organizational value and supports operational continuity.

Developing a defined framework for nature-based solutions

No single, consensus definition or framework exists for nature-based solutions. Nature-based solutions are varied and can encompass nature-inclusive design, natural climate solutions, nature-integrated solutions, 绿色基础设施, 蓝色的基础设施, and natural carbon solutions. 每个组织都应该为基于自然的解决方案开发自己的标准化定义和框架,以支持有效的沟通和一致的项目实施.

一个好的开始是利用一个经常被引用的基于自然的解决方案的定义, 比如那些 International Union for the Conservation of Nature (世界自然保护联盟)UN 环境al Assembly,或 欧洲委员会. 虽然确切的措辞各不相同,但这些定义一致要求基于自然的解决方案:

  • Provide biodiversity benefits
  • Deliver human well-being benefits
  • Achieve economic feasibility


支持强大的治理和一致的项目执行的基于自然的解决方案框架至关重要, 太. An ideal framework should cover all project lifecycle stages, from initial planning and design through implementation and performance monitoring.

Because no legislated standard for nature-based solutions exists, 组织可以灵活地采用最接近其风险足迹和可持续性目标的框架. 这使组织能够确保其项目彻底解决与生物多样性和生态系统服务相关的优先风险和机会. 的 世界自然保护联盟 和 Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) provide two such global frameworks. Industry frameworks, like that of Ipieca for oil and gas, are also good references.

Leading practices for nature-based solutions programs



确定基于自然的解决方案的定义以及适用于您的组织的相关框架,同时结合普遍接受的基于自然的解决方案术语和原则. 一致性确保对单个项目和投资组合的风险和可持续性指标进行更有效的沟通和质量报告.


全球最大体育平台基于自然的解决方案时,考虑到流量(生态系统服务)和存量(自然资本资产),它们有助于组织价值链的投入和产出. A holistic assessment of the stocks (natural, 法定, or voluntary) and services (provisioning, 调节, 和文化),当确定一个项目可以帮助发现所有的机会和最大化的共同利益. 例如, if developing a project to improve aquifer recharge, assess the site early on for other potential benefits like improved crop health, pollutant runoff reduction, 土壤碳保持, 改善物种生境, and even recreational access.


涉及自然资源和流程的项目不遵循典型的项目投资时间表. 它们可以持续5年, 10, 15年或以上, especially when factoring in long-term maintenance and monitoring. Adaptive management ensures issues are resolved when identified, 和 nature-based solution implementation can effectively handle near-real-time changes.

Scaling nature-based solutions 和ir impact

利乐全球最大体育平台与私营和公共部门的客户合作,以增加基于自然的解决方案的影响和规模. We do this in three ways:


组织可以通过利用不同的资金来源有效地扩展基于自然的解决方案. 缓解或恢复责任通常落在有使用或管理自然资源指令的组织身上. 越来越多的第三方资金可用于资助基于自然的解决方案,为各组织提供了提高这些干预措施成果的机会, possibly even creating net-zero or net-positive natural resource solutions. As part of our project work for clients, 我们从政府项目到有影响力的亚洲最大体育平台,寻找并寻求基于自然的融资解决方案. 在美国, 《全球最大体育平台》和《全球最大体育平台》将在未来10年及更长时间内,为陆地和水生系统的自然恢复和复原项目注入数十亿美元.


Public-private partnerships are an effective mechanism for elevating nature-based solutions. A good partnership scales a project, results in financial wins for multiple parties, 甚至分担风险. Our Tetra Tech teams actively collaborate with public benefit B Corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 私全球最大体育平台亚洲最大体育平台, 以及政府机构. 它们都是很好的合作伙伴,可以为基于自然的解决方案带来额外的资源并产生更大的影响.

Performance-based initiatives

While fee-for-services is the typical contract model on these types of projects, Tetra Tech is advancing more innovative approaches that save clients time and money. By focusing on measurable outcomes, projects end up less prescriptive and can be expedited. Examples include incentives-based shared revenue models, blended fee-for-services with equity payouts, and pay-for-performance contracts.

利乐全球最大体育平台与客户合作,及时实施基于自然的解决方案标准和实践, 有效的方式. 我们的方法 世界资源研究所的行动呼吁 for identifying a pipeline of investable restoration projects and expanding the investor base. 这些行动对于实现国际气候变化目标和扭转全球生物多样性丧失至关重要.


Headshot of 杰森Coccia


杰森Coccia, Tetra Tech’s director for sustainability and nature-based solutions, 帮助客户实现可持续发展目标,同时管理与气候变化和生物多样性丧失相关的风险.

He focuses on developing comprehensive solutions that meet adaptation, 弹性, and mitigation needs while enhancing co-benefits of ecosystem services and human well-being. 他代表利乐全球最大体育平台参加了国际自然相关财务披露工作组(TNFD)论坛,并获得了世界自然保护联盟(世界自然保护联盟)基于自然的解决方案标准的专业认证. 他曾帮助《全球最大体育平台》500强企业实施碳封存项目,并通过大规模的生态系统恢复来减少其他资源. An actively licensed certified public accountant, 他拥有可持续企业工商管理硕士学位和资源生态学环境管理硕士学位.
